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Alternative School Options Recommended
Alternative School Options Not Recommended
ENKI EDUCATION METHOD (Waldorf & United Nations)
You have chosen an exciting path for you and your child. We are compiling as many different types of alternative educational methods we can find to give parents a one-stop shop for options. We analyze these methods to fit our criteria. Our criteria are simple. If they receive any kind of government funding or are involved with government school in any manner, we do not recommend them. Our goal is to extricate our children from the clutches of government. But, first let’s mention that statistics show that Homeschool families are happier, healthier and smarter than kids left to public schools. Check out our Facts and Statistics.
It is exciting that you have chosen to enjoy quality time with your children and are taking responsibility for your child’s education away from the state into your own hands. This is how it has been since time began. Parents have always had the ultimate responsibility for educating their own children even though the public-school system has deluded us into believing otherwise. You are doing the right thing by seizing back your God-given responsibility.
The larger purpose may also be the survival of our Republic for the next generation. Making sure our children are not drones of the government – marching to the beat of some political correct system of global mass thought and group think – will assure that our posterity and freedom in America be upheld with the most creative innovators, productive thinkers and well-educated citizenry.
It is also interesting to note that not all the methods below produce the same results. You must do your own research to find the perfect fit for your family and fit for the specific needs for your children.
“How-to” Manual for Rescuing Our Children
Providing Parents and the Church Opportunities to Rescue our Children from Public Schools and Reclaim
K-12 Education.