
Washington State Mandates Perversion at School

From the print edition of  The New American:

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When government schools start up again in Washington State, so-called Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) will be even more ubiquitous than before. Lessons in kindergarten will introduce children, typically around age five, to homosexuality, homosexual parenting, “anatomy” including drawings of genitalia, and much more. From there, each year the young children will move on to other “lessons” encouraging transgenderism, sodomy, fornication, and every form of perversion imaginable. And now, it is all mandated by state law.

Critics of the radical new sex-education mandate expressed outrage. Children were horrified. Some pro-family activists accused government officials of seeking to “groom” children for sexual acts and potentially even abuse by predators. A lawmaker blasted it as an “all-out assault” on the Judeo-Christian values at America’s foundation. The abusive and obscene material is so outrageous that some opponents are now calling on parents to remove their children from public school as quickly as possible.

“This is not education,” warned children’s rights activist Katy Faust, with Them Before Us, adding that abortion groups lobbying for the bill had an interest in sexualizing their prospective clients. “This is propaganda, ideology, and grooming.”

The statute in question, SB 5395 in the Senate and HB 1407 in the House, mandates radical sex education at every level throughout a child’s education. Introduced in the legislature by sexual revolutionaries in mid-January, by March 27, despite massive parental opposition, the legislation was signed into law by far-left Democrat Governor Jay Inslee. That was right around the time that schools were being shut down by government decree. But when they re-open next year, any parents who continue sending their children to public schools must understand that those children will be bombarded with unprecedented amounts of sex propaganda and perversion — with devastating consequences.

Consider that the material was so graphic that when it was discussed in the House of Representatives, a warning flashed on viewers’ TV screens: “Mature subject matter — viewer discretion advised.” A brief review of the materials that will be used reveals why that warning was needed. When lawmakers tried to quote some of the material, they got “gaveled” and silenced because it was so obscene. In fact, much of the material is so outrageous that, not too long ago, adults would have been arrested and charged with a felony for exposing children to pornography and obscenity, or for encouraging them to engage in raunchy sexual activities that would have been inconceivable in previous generations. Even today, outside a school setting, adults in many states could face felony charges for giving this sort of filth to children.

“This bill has left no choice but for parents to remove their children from school,” State Representative Matt Shea (R), a national leader in the liberty movement who fought against the bill, told The New American. “The mask is off: During the debate TVW stated ‘Mature Subject Matter, Viewer Discretion Advised.’ Why are we teaching mature subject matter to kindergartners? PG-13 and Rated R material are exactly that. If a movie theater couldn’t show your kids that kind of material why on Earth can they be shown that in the government school classroom? This is an all-out assault on our Judeo-Christian values that undergird our Republic. This is stealing childhood.”

Even children are crying out for help. A young girl from rural Curtis Junior High School who spoke out publicly amid the debate over the legislation sounded desperate. “I’d like to tell you what the sex-education curriculum has done to our school in the past couple of years,” she said in public testimony urging lawmakers to vote no. “Feeling violated is the new norm. Sexual harassment is the new norm. Lack of respect is the new norm. Graphic details and pornographic images and inappropriate assignments have been a part of everyday life.”

“Sex has now become the main topic of every conversation from the start of school until the end,” she explained — and that was the situation that already existed before this new legislation super-charging “sex ed” was formally approved. “The whole culture of our school has become toxic, especially to girls…. It’s disturbing and inappropriate, but I don’t get to say no.” Other children similarly cried out for help at the legislature about the relentless abuse being perpetrated by government schools. But lawmakers passed it anyway, ignoring the desperate pleas from parents and children.

The history of sex education reveals a great deal. Consider that the first advocates of sexualizing children with graphic sex ed were communist butchers in Hungary’s Bela Kun regime, who provided obscene material in an effort to break down families, traditional values, and Christian civilization. Later, “Dr.” Alfred Kinsey, responsible for the rape and sexual torture of hundreds or even thousands of children in the name of sex research, purported to give it scientific respectability. Basically, Kinsey’s pedophiles raped and molested children as young as five months old, claimed those victims experienced “climax,” and concluded that children were “sexual” from birth. The modern push for ubiquitous, anti-Christian sex education was born.


While no particular curriculum is mandated under the new Washington statute, all districts must choose one that complies with the mandates. The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction touts a variety of resources as being compliant. Family Watch International President Sharon Slater, though, one of the world’s top experts on Comprehensive Sexuality Education and co-chair of the Protect Child Health Coalition, noted that the list of state-approved curricula “includes several of the most harmful programs we have analyzed.”

“In fact, many of the approved Comprehensive Sexual Health Education programs have scored 15 out of 15 for harmful elements when reviewed using our 15 Harmful Elements Analysis Tool,” she told The New American.

The comprehensive sexuality education programs mandated in the legislation sexualize children, Slater warned. “They seek to change societal sexual and gender norms by indoctrinating children with explicit sexual information,” she said, urging parents to see the documentary The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda available at StopCSE.org to understand the threat. “Most CSE programs also promote acceptance of diverse sexual identities and orientations and have an almost obsessive focus on sexual pleasure, instructing children and youth at the earliest ages on how to obtain sexual pleasure in a variety of ways.”

One of the resources touted by Washington’s education bureaucracy to comply with the state’s mandate is known as “Teaching Tolerance,” produced by the anti-Christian hate group the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Under the guise of promoting what the intolerant SPLC calls “tolerance,” students in kindergarten through second grade learn, among other things, to ignore their parents and impersonate the other sex if they feel they might have been born in the “wrong” body. That lesson comes from the book 10,000 Dresses by Marcus Ewert, one of several SPLC-recommended texts for K-2 “Teaching Tolerance” lessons on “gender.”

The state superintendent is fully on board with this outlandish idea. While testifying in favor of the legislation, he claimed that transgenderism is “biology.” “Students are born this way,” he argued in defending the teaching of gender confusion to children.

Of course, in reality, the data proves that to be a fraud. Consider that in the last five years, the number of minor girls in Utah undergoing a “medical transition” to a new “gender” has increased by 10,000 percent, according to data gathered by the state’s health authorities. In Sweden, the number of transgender children grew by 1,500 percent in a decade. In California, a study by UCLA revealed that 27 percent of children ages 12-17 describe themselves as “gender non-conforming.” This is a direct result of transgenderism propaganda at school.

Meanwhile, one of the primary curriculum options touted by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction as “consistent with state requirements” is known as Rights, Respect, Responsibility (3Rs). The program, which received the most harmful ranking possible from Family Watch International, was developed by the sexual revolutionaries at Advocates for Youth, a partner of tax-funded abortion giant and Democratic political machine Planned Parenthood. And the content would likely shock even  many of the most liberal and progressive parents.

Under 3Rs, children are exposed to gender confusion and homosexuality starting in kindergarten, learning that girls can supposedly have male genitalia and vice-versa. By first grade or before, indoctrination into gender theory and efforts to undermine traditional “gender roles” are unleashed. Throughout elementary school, the children will be exposed to images that have been widely condemned as pornographic, including cartoons in books such as It’s Perfectly Normal.

By the time the children are 11 years old, in sixth grade, if not before, they will learn about how to search the Internet for information on sex to become a “sex ed sleuth.” The full-blown transgenderism propaganda also reaches a crescendo, with gullible children being taught that they can choose what gender they are and take steps to make that a reality — for comparison imagine an anorexic girl learning at school how to get liposuction without her parents’ knowledge. In grade five, for instance, they are taught that “it’s important to remember that someone can have a penis even if they don’t identify as a boy or a vulva even if they don’t identify as a girl.”

Before becoming teens, they learn about “making changes in the world” through “LGBT advocacy.” At 12, abortion is introduced as an “option” to deal with unwanted pregnancies. Teachers are instructed to tell students that “once a person confirms they are pregnant, they need to decide whether they are going to have the baby … or end the pregnancy.” Students in seventh grade are also forced to role-play sex negotiations, fight for men to go in girls’ bathrooms, sue schools that do not fully embrace the LGBT agenda, and more. By ninth grade, they are ordered to watch I Am Jazz drag and transgender shows on the Internet. Many of the resources suggested by 3Rs contain terms, concepts, and perversion that simply cannot be mentioned here for obvious reasons. 

Deadly Lies

Over and over again, peddlers of the perversion have insisted that the propaganda would be “medically accurate.” And yet, some of the material set to be used under the approved 3Rs (and others) is downright dishonest — and dangerous. Consider, for instance, a worksheet on the relative risks of various sexual acts handed out to seventh-grade students. In the section on activities that supposedly carry “low risk,” especially as it relates to venereal diseases, is this: “Anal sex using a condom correctly.” Later, the document claims that condoms offer “very good protection” during sodomy. This is a lie that will literally cause many of those children to die prematurely.

Even the government’s own data proves this to be a lie. The Food and Drug Administration has never approved condoms for sodomy. That is because according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), even perfect and consistent condom use is only between 60 and 70 percent effective in preventing venereal diseases such as HIV/AIDS during anal intercourse. In other words, at least 30 percent of the time, venereal diseases can be and are spread despite condom use. Teaching young children that sodomy with a condom is “low risk” when there is a 30-percent chance of infection should be considered criminal.

More than a few medical professionals have pointed out this danger, including many doctors in California when similar lies were exposed being taught to children there. “Equating vaginal and anal condom efficacy stats is misleading at best and deceitful at worst,” explained family medicine physician Dr. Jeffrey Barke, who served 12 years on a California school board. Calling the new curriculum “hazardous” to children, the doctor said he was “shocked by the lack of medical accuracy.” “How is this misinformation keeping students safe?” he wondered, adding that the lies would be especially harmful to homosexual and transgender students who engage in sodomy.

By the time the children become teenagers, the 3Rs program teaches them to acquire and use birth control. They also learn how to seduce fellow children and receive “consent” for sex acts, despite the fact that these children are nowhere near the legal age of consent. 

Then they are introduced to terms such as “pansexual.” And over and over again, they are encouraged to rely on abortion giant Planned Parenthood for “services” ranging from abortion and contraception to propaganda on sex. Critics say profits for the abortion industry are one of the major motivations behind the push to sexualize children at school.


Much of the propaganda in the sex-ed schemes mandated under the new law revolves around normalizing and thereby encouraging perversion. The word “consent” features prominently in all the indoctrination, as children are taught beginning at a very young age to believe that anything goes, sexually, as long as everyone involved gives their “affirmative consent.” In reality, the age of consent in Washington is 16, and even then, unmarried children have no business fornicating.

CDC data show that teens who have had sexual contact have higher rates of drug use, suicide, sexual violence, depression, and more. Dr. Melvin Anchell, who served on Lyndon Johnson’s Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, explained that this sort of sex education causes “irreparable harm” to children, severely damaging their future marriages, families, relationships, and lives. The data also show that, despite being justified as a tool to reduce venereal disease and unwanted pregnancies, both of those have surged in tandem with the proliferation of sex education. But policymakers do not seem to care.

 Aside from “consent” propaganda, sexual morality is tossed out the window. The legislation states, for instance, that “abstinence may not be taught to the exclusion of other materials and instruction on contraceptives and disease prevention.”

And in a “note to the teacher,” the 3Rs program warns educators about children who may come from religious homes and how to respond. “Some students may say ‘because it’s wrong’ or ‘because it’s a sin.’ Although these are valid reasons for some students, it is important to avoid shaming those who do have sex,” the warning states. “Simply adding the word ‘some’ — ‘some people have been taught that it’s a sin, although not everyone is religious or belongs to the same religion’ — can ensure that that student is heard while minimizing the judgment placed on those who may end up having a different experience.”

Parents, meanwhile, are being told to calm down because they can supposedly opt their children out of the most grotesque elements of the indoctrination. And yet Washington Sexual Health Education boss Laurie Dils was caught on camera plotting to “weave” the filth and propaganda into every subject. The goal is “comprehensive sex ed that starts in kindergarten, that’s provided every year and not just once in a stand-alone class each year,” she said in a video posted online. “It’s intensive instruction that really engages youth over a matter of weeks, if not the full year, sort of weaving these conversations into all sorts of content areas.”

One of the children who testified against the new statute also noted that the children whose parents opt them out are mercilessly teased, and hear all the information from friends later anyway.

Unfortunately, Washington State is hardly unique. In the June 17, 2019 issue of The New American magazine, an article headlined “California’s New Sex-ed Regime Is Worse Than You Can Imagine” exposed similarly grotesque indoctrination of children there. The very same programs, organizations, and curricula used in those states are firmly embedded in public schools in conservative states, too. And as long as more than eight in 10 parents continue to send their children to government for education, the horror show will continue to degenerate further and further.